mlm software

Society Software ...

Techno Solution is providing a best in class software to manage all the operations those are required to run a Co-operative society or bank, named as Society Software (A Multi State Credit Co-operative Society Software).

This software can be called as a Mini Banking Software. As its working for RD, FD, MIS, Saving Accounts, And Loan Schedules. This software will cater all the needs and fulfill all the dreams which a society need to buildup. The Credit Co-operative Society Software offered by Techno Solution Under the brand name of Society Software provides a world in class features and cared with all the small needs in the software ever for future requirements as well.

Techno Solution , Credit Co-operative Society Software Development Company is renowned, Experienced and popular for the development of Credit Co-operative Society Software in India with an experience and trust of 5+ years in building Credit Co-operative Society Software and websites. A Credit Society must need this software as by using this all the things will get easy to manage under one roof like, All your branches, Employees, Operators, Agents, Customers, Policies, Deposits, Withdrawals, Loans, Saving accounts other different schemes, Reporting and lots more.

Society Software In Sangli